
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Cleanse the Body, Purify the Mind: Hot Yoga

     After a holiday season chock full o' eating and drinking, I was beginning to feel a bit weighed down -- not only physically, but emotionally, as well.  An emotionally stressful situation such as a breakup is difficult enough on its own, without adding the extra pain of enduring such an ordeal during the holidays.  While I maintained my fitness regime (for the most part), I did what many people on emotional overload tend to sometimes do -- I used the holidays as a time to eat and drink the stress away.  I was still running, albeit less frequently, and my heart was just not quite as in it.  I had less energy, and the weight of my emotions was making me feel constantly tired -- I was in a slump, out of which I was having difficulty dragging myself.  After the new year and the end of the holiday season, I realized it was time to get back to reality.  After much persuasion and encouragement by a couple of girlfriends, I decided to accompany them to a bikram (hot) yoga session one evening.  I was a bit nervous and apprehensive (I have issues with claustrophobia, and the idea of being in a hot, stuffy room with a bunch of people was not really appealing), but agreed to give it a try as a result of my friends' insistence that I would love it.  When we first took our place in the very warm yoga studio, I felt what could have very well been the beginnings of a panic attack.  However, the very moment the soothing instructor began to speak, I felt myself begin to relax.  I allowed myself to sink into the comforting warmth of the room and imagined I was simply lying in the hot sun (something I so love to do).  The peaceful, melodious music filled my mind and soul, and I slipped into a state of relaxation which I did not dream possible.  The tension I have been carrying in my back, neck, and shoulders melted away.  I entered an almost tranquil state of trance; a state which I am unable to achieve in just regular yoga.  The instructor encouraged us (and successfully so) to let go of the worries, stress, and negative emotions which plague our daily lives, and to concentrate on the only thing that matters -- our breath, our body, and our soul.  I can't remember the last time I felt so relaxed or cleansed after a workout -- both physically and spiritually (I don't think I have ever sweat so much in my life).  I left the class feeling so much lighter, stronger, and healthier -- I felt almost healed.  If you have not done so, I recommend you give hot yoga a try -- sweat out all those physical and emotional toxins, and I guarantee you'll feel brand new.