
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

There's No Time Like the Present!

     When I say that I recently underwent a major lifestyle transformation, I simply mean that I shaped my lifestyle from a not-so-healthy one, to a much more health-conscious one.  A little over two years ago, I was about 25 lbs. heavier, drinking and partying 2-3 nights a week, eating absolutely whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, not exercising, and even smoking the occasional cigarette!  Since then, I have turned my life around 360 degrees, and you can too, if you so desire!
     I moved across the county to the east coast for college, and so my transformation began.  I didn't have nearly as many friends, and so I did not go out as much, which meant my alcohol consumption was cut more than in half.  With a less active social life, I had much more 'me' time, and so I started exercising little by little.  At first, it was really difficult -- I could barely jog a mile on the treadmill!  However, it became part of my lifestyle in no time, and I've been hooked ever since.  I gradually increased the duration and frequency of my workouts, and in only a matter of months I was running 2-4 miles about five days a week!  It even got to a point where I couldn't stand missing a workout -- I was a completely different person.
     The second drastic, though just as significant, change I made was in my diet/nutrition.  I was living on my own and grocery shopping for myself, and so I decided to turn my life around nutritionally, as well as physically.  I spent hours pouring over health/fitness magazines, paying special attention to food, recipes, and nutrition.  Eventually, I became what I like to call an 'amateur expert' (self-proclaimed, of course) in regards to diet and nutrition.  It became a passion of mine -- researching healthy eating, grocery shopping accordingly, and cooking healthy and nutritious meals.  That's when the lbs. really started to come off and my body began to noticeably transform.  At that point, I didn't even have to exercise as much as I did to maintain my weight, so strict and clean was my diet.  However, I've relaxed quite a bit since then as far as diet and eating -- I love food way too much!  Nowadays, I exercise more, so that I can pretty much eat what I want and enjoy food.  Don't get me wrong -- I still eat very healthily for the most part, but I don't obsess over my diet or deprive myself.  The key is to be healthy and happy!
     This blog will include, among many other things, examples of my workout and diet plans in the beginning stages of my health transformation, as well as more up-to-date examples.  My hope is that you might draw at least some inspiration and information from my ramblings!  Until next time... J.

1 comment:

  1. Hi it's your 52 year old Auntie! So happy to see I have a kindred spirit out there who is my niece! A couple of things I do: start the day with warm lemon water before the and gentler way to get digestion going tea at three...each apple a day (with some almonds or p butter.... and NEVER drink out of plastic!... get britta filter and fill your own bottle..also I use a big Mason jar and am sure to drink 2 full a day! On the second I will often use 1/2 cup pure organic cranberry (Knudsen's Just Cranberry) mixed in..great cleansing and vitamin+C... also never store in glass Tupperware!!.. go to any smart or walmart etc and get the anchor Hawking or Pyrex glass's storage containers! Plastics contain polythehylenes which leech into the plastic... think of how far your plastic bottle has travelled and think of it in the hot trucks and sun!a bad! Also glass containers can go straight into the micro safely! This Auntie believes plastics are a # 1 health concern....why so much cancer? Why 1 in 88 child has Autism? Why has Alzheimer's quadrupled in the last 20 years? I am proud of you and love your site! It is true folks, she really has made amazing changes and I am glad for we have a lot of adventure and food and life to explore! LOVE aunt Jett
