
Monday, April 30, 2012

Get Outside and Hit the Ground Runnin'

     As I gradually increased my endurance by utilizing the indoor track and the treadmill, I decided to progress to the next step -- outdoor running.  Outdoor running is a little more difficult than treadmill/indoor running because of the different terrain and elements.  You are likely to work harder outdoors, especially when you do not have a treadmill assisting you and propelling your forward (same with walking).  At that time, I lived in a small town in the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains of North Carolina, and the scenery was not to be taken lightly -- an outdoor run was an almost religious experience.  I started out small here, as well -- beginning with 1 1/2 - 2 mile runs a couple times a week.  The route I regularly took had a lot of hills and incline, so it was a great workout, and quickly boosted my stamina and endurance.  My favorite time to run was the late afternoon/early evening, when the sunlight was soft and golden and the temperature was just beginning to cool down.  The town I lived in was very small, quiet, and there were barely any cars or people on the small mountain roads I ran on.  I would hit the pavement and it would be just me, my thoughts, and the sound of my own breathing.  It was so peaceful and yet so exhilarating at the same time.  After a run in the setting sun and crisp, clean air, surrounded by green woods and blue and purple mountains, I felt invigorated and refreshed.  It quickly became a therapeutic addiction -- there is nothing like a workout in the natural beauty of the great outdoors to restore your mind, body, and soul.  I used these outdoor workouts as my time to think, unwind, relax, and exercise all at the same time.  True to form, I gradually increased my distance, until I eventually claimed a new regular route that was about 3 1/2 miles.  I got to the point where I could run the entire time without stopping -- something I had never been able to do before and never believed I would ever be able to do.  I had accomplished a huge goal in that I was finally to the point where I actually looked forward to and anticipated my workouts, rather than dreading the idea of working out like I used to.  Even if I could only get outside for 20 minutes, something always felt better than nothing.  Head outdoors, for there awaits an experience that the gym just can't give you.

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