
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tried and True Tips for Transformation

     In addition to my new found active lifestyle, I began to make other various tweaks and changes to improve my overall health, fitness, and well-being.  Some of these were just minor changes, others more significant.  Either way, every single change, addition, or elimination of habits has contributed to or improved my healthy lifestyle in some way.  Here are a few things you can start with if you want to start feeling and seeing a difference immediately. 
  • First and foremost, I ceased smoking the occasional cigarette immediately and for good (I was fortunate enough to be able to drop that horrendous habit suddenly and easily). 
  • My life used to revolve around partying and socially drinking, so I knew I had to make some major changes in that aspect of my life, as well.  There was a time when I was going out and drinking 2-4 nights a week -- those days were over.  I began to limit my alcohol consumption to maybe one night a week, sometimes only once every other week.  This is one of the first places  you can and should start if you want to start seeing and feeling a drastic difference in your health, fitness, and overall well-being.  I began to notice a difference immediately -- I looked better, felt better, had more energy, and was healthier overall.  My body just felt cleaner and clearer overall, and I soon became addicted to that feeling.  Additionally, this is one of the first and fastest steps you can take to cut calories, sugar, and lose weight.  This was surprisingly a relatively easy step for me to take -- I quickly began to feel that when I did drink, it would completely negate my workouts and healthy lifestyle, and so it was not difficult for me to make this important and effective change.
  • I began to make a conscious effort to get more sleep.  To look and feel your best, this is where you should start.  I used to run on anywhere from 4-7 hours of sleep per night; this is not nearly enough.  I used to rarely go to bed before midnight; going to sleep at 2 and 3am was much more common for me.  I began to make it a habit to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night; in this I noticed a huge difference in my health and appearance.  I felt more refreshed and energized, and my appearance looked accordingly.  This was a new and wonderful feeling -- before, it was rare when I was not tired and/or hungover.  I used to get sick a couple times a month -- now I get sick maybe once or twice a year.  Additionally, lack of sleep results in an increase of the stress hormone cortisol, which leads to a decrease in metabolism, and an increase in fat stores and weight gain.  I have found the benefits of plenty of sleep to be endless thus far...
  • Drink more water -- people don't just say this for no reason.  As I cut alcohol out of my lifestyle/diet, so did I increase my water intake substantially.  I pretty much eliminated all beverages besides water and coffee/tea.  Sodas (even diet) and sugary juices and other drinks were gone.  This is an easy way to eliminate extra and unwanted calories and sugar.  Water is the best energy drink -- I had much more energy, felt clean and refreshed, and even looked better; my skin/complexion became clearer and more radiant.  You should strive to drink at least two liters of water each day in order to keep your body flushed of toxins and your metabolism running strong.  You will immediately begin to look and feel better!
  • Clean your diet -- you can workout and burn all the calories you want, but if you are not eating right, it's not going to make a difference in your health and physique.  Good fitness is probably about 70% diet, and 30% exercise.  Eating junk food, processed foods, and foods high in sugar, fat, and sodium will negate your healthy efforts.  A lot more detail will follow regarding healthy diet and eating habits, but you should make a conscious effort and get started now

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