
Friday, June 8, 2012

Tried and True: Grab a Workout Buddy or Two!

     Feeling lazy?  Sluggish?  Tired?  Unmotivated?  Rather do something other than exercise?  We've all been there -- however, the difference is that some of us don't let this feeling get the best of us.  I've found that sometimes something as simple as a workout buddy can make all the difference in the world.  So, the next time you are feeling particularly unmotivated, call up a friend and ask her/him to join you.  Not only will this give you time to chat and catch up, but you are likely to motivate each other and push each other a little harder -- there may even be some friendly competitive spirit!  You'll find that an hour-long workout flies by, whether it be an early evening stroll or pounding it out on the treadmill.  You can combine your social life with your fitness life, strengthen friendships, as well as bond over your common passion for a healthy and active lifestyle.  Schedule regular workout 'dates' a couple times a week -- you might even look forward to these workout sessions.  If you are feeling particularly lazy one day, chances are your buddy will give you that little extra push you need to get going, and vice versa -- there have been many instances in which I probably would have bailed on my daily workout had it not been for my workout buddy!
     There can be other pros to the 'buddy' system, as well -- as you probably know, it can be hard work to maintain strong connections and relationships in the midst of our endlessly busy and hectic lives, especially with a significant other.  Between work, school, working out, kids, extracurricular activities, and everything else, it can be difficult to find quality time to spend with our partner.  Why not workout together, rather than separately, and use this time to bond and encourage each other?  Sometimes, it can be nice to end a busy day with a long, evening walk or jog.  It gives you a chance to talk, catch up, and simply be together in a relaxing and refreshing environment -- this can do wonders for a relationship.  As our lives become busier and we take on more and more, it becomes increasingly crucial to set aside quality time to work on our relationships and strengthen the bonds.  So, develop a workout/fitness plan that you and your partner can enjoy together -- after all, a relationship requires just as much work and maintenance as your fitness does!

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