
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Weekend Workout Suggestion: Run a 5k!

     Take advantage of the warmer weather, get outside, and run a timed race!  Engage your competitive spirit, challenge yourself, and contribute toward a cause you are passionate about.  Many competitive races are charities for various causes, diseases, and other foundations; all proceeds from entrance fees and other miscellaneous costs go toward the specific cause of the particular event.  Last weekend, for example, I participated in a timed 5k event for Pulmonary Hypertension (PH).  I am particularly passionate about this cause because I knew a child who lost her battle against PH at the age of four.  In participating in a race such as this one, not only am I doing something I love (running/working out), but I feel as though I am making a difference (however small), as well.  Competitive races like these are a new and refreshing way to get a great workout in -- I find that the rush of competition and the exciting atmosphere energizes me and motivates me to push myself a little harder (I tend to always improve in time and performance in timed events).  So, research local events in your area, find a cause you feel passionate about, and register for your first (or second or third) race!

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