
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Cycle of Life

     You may be aware of a more recent trend in health and fitness -- the intimidating, but all-the-more rewarding, spin/cycle class.  It took me a while to jump on the bike, but once I did, I was hooked.  I had always been extremely intimidated by the hour-long, intense workout that people were raving about -- I didn't think I could do it!  A friend finally convinced me to give it a try, though, and I am so glad I did!  I was beginning to plateau in my running, and knew I needed to try something different and perhaps more challenging.  Well, different and challenging it was!  As I mentioned before, I did not think I'd be able to withstand an hour of strenuous and fast-paced cycling.  However, in a class full of motivation, encouragement, and constant coaching by the instructor, an hour turned out to be not only doable, but fun and exhilarating!  I definitely found myself much more sweaty and out of breath than when I run, which told me I was getting the cardio boost I was looking for.  Additionally, no two instructors' methods are the same; therefore, no two workouts are the same level, pace, or rhythm -- this in turn prevents plateauing (a very undesirable and somewhat inevitable workout result).  On average, I find that I burn about 500 calories per spin session, and feel great afterwards!  There is always loud, upbeat music to keep your energy up and your blood pumping.  If you are looking for a thorough and effective workout, cycling class is the way to go!  Even if you're a novice, you'll get the hang of it after that first class, I promise!  :)  Go get your spin on!

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