
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Leave the Past Behind... Just Run Away.

     One of the hardest things we'll endure in this life is a break-up, or the demise of any relationship, for that matter.  Most of you have probably experienced the bleak, drained feeling to which I am referring -- if you haven't, consider yourself lucky.  Relationships end for all sorts of reasons, but no matter the reason, they are nearly always difficult and painful.  The dull, aching feeling inside of you feels like it is never going to cease.  You feel like you can't get enough sleep, and that your appetite will never return.  Energy and motivation to workout are not even on your wavelength.  The hardest thing for me is that feeling where I simply do not want to get out of bed, no matter what time of day it is.  I can't find that energy within which I am usually so accustomed to.  Usually, I look forward to my workouts and runs more than any other part of my day -- now, I dread anything that requires physical and mental energy.
     Today, despite the dreary, rainy weather, I forced myself to get out of bed and go for a run.  In that moment, I felt that if I could do that, I could get through anything, so difficult the feat seemed.  It was hard at first, I'll admit, but with every step I gradually felt my energy return and begin to revive me.  As the rain began to fall and the moonlight shone through the dark, stormy clouds, I somehow managed to feel the faint light of hope and optimism.  I kept running, and concentrated on the rhythmic sound of my breathing, the feeling of my heart pumping blood through my veins.  I felt alive, and that I was running toward something new -- away from the pain. I kept going, just as we need to keep going in life, no matter what it throws at us.  Just keep running, moving, praying, loving, hoping... Leave the past behind.

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