
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Just Because You Go On Vacay Doesn't Mean Your Fitness Has To...

     For many of us, the holidays are a time of joy, excitement, and indulgence.  Others, however, tend to stress over the lack of time, endless hustle and bustle, and ceaseless social and familial obligations, among other things.  If you're like me, you might even fret over the abundance of extra calories consumed throughout the holiday season, with even less time available to dedicate to exercise.  Many of us might even resign ourselves to the fact that a few extra pounds will be added on during this time of joy and celebration.
     Between holiday guests, family trips and vacations, and other various commitments, sometimes working out makes its way to the bottom of our priority lists.  It's especially difficult to fit exercise into travel and vacations, as you're away from home (and your gym) and your normal, daily routine.  Rather than use vacation as an excuse to slack on your exercise, why not take it with you??  Use vacation as a chance to escape your usual, boring routine, and instead try something different, fresh, and perhaps specific to the area in which you are traveling.  This way, you can turn working out into a fun, anticipated activity rather than a dreaded chore.  Last Thanksgiving weekend, for example, I traveled to Arizona to visit my grandparents for the holiday, and had been somewhat dreading taking five days off from my standard fitness routine.  A few days before my departure, I started researching local hikes and other outdoor activities to do while I was there.  I began looking forward to the warm, sunny weather and clear blue skies which awaited me, and planned to take full advantage -- which I did.  Even Southern California weather does not compare to the perfect, 78-degrees-and-sunny conditions of the Arizona desert in the fall.  Knowing I had five glorious days off work ahead of me, I planned to spend as much of it as possible outdoors and in the sun.  Using the city's website, I planned two beautiful long hikes in the desert red rocks of Sedona, as well as planned a day to walk around and explore the town (not drive) -- three days of exercise taken care of.  I even found the local gym and worked out there as a guest for one day.  The best part about vacation is it gives you the chance to get out on your feet and explore some place new and different, which is an adventure in and of itself.  There is no excuse to spend your vacation indoors watching TV (unless of course you are sick or injured).  So, no reason to let a holiday vacay stand in the way of your fitness routine -- if anything, look at it as a chance for novelty, variety, and adventure!  :)

These are some of the fantastic views I enjoyed on my desert hikes -- what more could you ask for in exercise?!

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