
Sunday, December 9, 2012

It Does Not Matter How Slowly You Go - So Long As You Don't Stop

     Sometimes I still can't believe that, a mere three years ago, I couldn't even run a quarter of a mile -- nor did I want to or enjoy it.  Friends could not pay me to run or workout with them; I used to be completely content with such a lifestyle.  Now, in just two years, I have two full marathons, one half-marathon, an 8k and four 5k's under my [runner's] belt.  I love having goals to constantly be 'running' toward.  Looking forward to the next race or event keeps me moving and motivated; there is always something to work for and room for growth and improvement.  There's nothing I love more than motivating others along with me -- getting a group of friends together to participate in a race is such a positive and uplifting experience.  Today, for example, a group of girlfriends and I participated in the Jingle Bell Run/Walk 5k for Arthritis, hosted and organized by the Arthritis Foundation.  Having several friends afflicted with this condition, I was passionate about getting involved and getting others on our team, as well.  As always, half the fun is looking forward to and anticipating the race, but nothing is more exciting than the actual event.  Seeing the determination and motivation of all the participants, no matter their shape or physical condition, is truly moving and inspiring.  Whether they run, walk, or wheelchair to the finish line -- they get there.  Many participants were afflicted with arthritis themselves (like my friend and the 'captain' and organizer of our team), and no matter how much pain they might have been in, they still made the journey to the finish line.  It does not matter how long it takes you to get there -- the fact that you get there is amazing in and of itself.  It does not matter how fast or strong you are, or how good of shape you are in -- keep at it, one step and one foot at a time, and eventually you will achieve goals you never dreamed possible.
     Today, I placed in my very first race: I came in third place for females in my age group.  It was not a very big event, and there were not too many participants, but still -- it was a great feeling knowing I have come this far.  It reminded me that there is reward for dedication and perseverance, and it reminded me to keep going.

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