
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Nutritious Snack: Berry Vanilla Chai Super Smoothie

     Does the mid-afternoon slump have you reaching for a cup of joe with cream and sugar?  Instead, try a nutritious and delicious berry smoothie.  Not only is my version tasty and fresh, but it is energizing and great for you, as well!  It is simple, quick, and much more beneficial than the temporary caffeine buzz (and inevitable crash) from sugary energy drinks, sodas, and coffee.  Try it as a great pre-workout snack to get the energy and nutrients you need to ensure a great workout -- it's got tons of protein to feed and energize your muscles.  To make, combine the following ingredients in a blender:
  • 1 cup frozen mixed berries
  • 1 cup vanilla almond milk
  • 1 cup natural, organic acai juice
  • 1 banana
  • 2 tbsp. natural, organic blue agave syrup
  • 1 scoop Vega Complete Whole Food Health Optimizer plant-based formula (vanilla chai flavor)
     Blend ingredients together on high for about 30 seconds, pour in a glass, and enjoy.  Makes about two full servings.  This refreshing drink is not only perfect for the upcoming summer, but it will leave you feeling satisfied, light, and energized.  In addition to the beneficial antioxidants, vitamins, and protein from the berries and almond milk, Vega contains 100% of your recommended daily intake of vitamins and minerals.  It is an excellent source of fiber, boasting 15 grams per serving, as well as 26 grams of protein per serving.  While this smoothie contains half of a serving (one scoop as opposed to two), feel free to add two full scoops to get the maximum health benefits (beware of too much fiber in your diet, though, as Vega powder contains a generous amount -- the results of which can be uncomfortable).

Friday, May 18, 2012

Today's Workout: Intervals on the StairMaster

Work. Finals. Impending graduation. Homework. Relationships. Time management. Stress. After this week, I REALLY needed to let off some steam. However, sometimes you'll find that after a particularly long, busy day, you don't have much time (let alone energy) to get a workout in. This was definitely one of those days. I reminded myself that 'something is better than nothing,' and headed to the gym. I knew I'd feel better, physically and mentally, after a good workout. So, I hopped on the StairMaster for an interval workout. Nothing gets my heart racing like intervals on the StairMaster -- not only is it great and effective cardio, but it targets and works several muscle groups as well, and so has toning benefits -- glutes, calves, and quads are among the muscles worked. In just thirty minutes, I was sweating, blood pumping, and I felt rejuvenated after a long and busy week.
To perform this workout, warm up for five minutes at a comfortable pace. Beginning your intervals, raise the speed to about 4 levels higher than your comfort zone, to where you are really huffing and puffing. Maintain for 1-2 minutes, then return to your moderate pace/level of exertion. Repeat this cycle 4-6 times -- I promise, you'll feel the effectiveness of this workout! End with a five-minute cool-down.
Sometimes, when working out is the last thing we want to do, it's really the thing we need most. Even if you are tired and drained, you'll find that a good sweat session will give you more energy in the end! Do it for not only your body, but your mind and soul.

Duration: 30 minutes
Level/speed: Varying between 8-14
Average calories burned: 350

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Healthy Dinner Idea: Veggie Quesadillas

     Here's an idea for a quick, healthy, and delicious meal -- Fresh veggie quesadillas on organic, whole grain tortillas:
  • Arugula
  • Tomato
  • Avocado
  • Jalapeno
  • Broccoli
  • Red onion
  • Yellow bell pepper
  • Pepper-jack cheese
  • Salsa fresca
     Add a bit of vegetable oil to a warm skillet (or vegetable/canola spray) -- this gives the tortilla a nice, brown crisp -- grill tortilla on low heat for a minute or two, add and melt cheese, load with veggies, and enjoy!  Delicioso :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Today's Workout: Go For an Evening Jog

     There's nothing like a nice evening jog to end a long, stressful week and refresh and prepare for Monday morning.  Today was a typical southern California day -- clear, sunny, and warm.  Sometimes, I like to wait until the day cools down before I hit the pavement.  Today, I waited until about 6:30pm before heading out.  At that time, the sun is just beginning to set, yet there is still plenty of daylight.  It is my favorite time of day; everything is bathed in soft, golden light.  It was quiet, and most of the hustle and bustle of the weekend had died down.  There was a light evening breeze which kept me feeling cool and fresh -- overall, it was the perfect workout at the perfect time of day!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Healthy Dinner Idea: Vegan Tacos, Rice, and Beans

     For a delicious post-workout meal, tonight I looked to south-of-the-border inspirations.  While not a practicing vegan, I love trying new things and experiencing different culinary practices.  So, I prepared vegan soyrizo meatless tacos with organic brown rice and red beans -- they were flavorful, fresh, and I never would have known that I was not eating real chorizo :).  My healthy tacos consisted of:
  • Whole grain, white corn, organic tortillas
  • Soyrizo (meatless, vegan, chorizo-flavored soy product -- and delicious I might add)
  • Vegan cheese (dairy-free)
  • Fresh arugula
  • Tomatoes
  • Avocado
  • Red onion
  • Jalapeno
     Simply pan-fry the soyrizo on high heat until desired crispiness is reached.  Warm tortillas on a skillet, cut up your fresh veggies, and enjoy! 

Today's Workout: Treadmill Incline Intervals

    As I've previously mentioned, the key to staying motivated and making continuous progress is variety.  Variety in your workouts keeps your body and your heart rate guessing, works different muscles, and prevents boredom.  Today I hit the treadmill for incline intervals.  After just 30 minutes, I was dripping sweat, my blood was pumping, and I was more out of breath than if I had just run for 45 minutes straight -- It was an effective workout, to say the least.  To perform this workout, begin with a 5-minute warm-up, walking at a moderate pace on a 3% incline.  Starting your intervals, raise the incline to about a 5% and your speed anywhere from level 8-9 (or wherever you are working at a hard but sustainable effort).  Maintain this effort for 30-45 seconds.  Follow with a two-minute resting period (walking at a moderate-fast pace until your heart rate returns to almost normal), and then begin another interval.  Repeat this cycle 4-6 times.  Conclude with a 5- to 10-minute cool-down of jogging at a steady pace, or walking at a moderate pace, bringing your incline down to 2%.
  • Average time: 30 minutes
  • Average distance: 2.5 miles
  • Average calories burned: 350

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Today's Workout: Hit the Trail

Take advantage of a sunny Saturday, get outdoors, and hit the trail for an energizing morning jog. Follow with a cup of freshly-brewed coffee for the perfect morning. Who wants to be in a stuffy old gym when you can take advantage of fresh air and sunshine?? :) Download 'RunKeeper' app to keep track of and log your workouts. It measures distance, time, average pace, average calories burned during your workout, and maps your route, also!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Fitness: Pressed for Time? Interval Training is Your Answer

     Many of us make the excuse that we don't workout because we simply do not have enough time.  Well, if that's your reasoning, intervals are your answer.  In just twenty short minutes, you can get a great and effective workout equivalent to that of a 45-minute sweat session.  The idea of interval training is to shock your body and vary your heart rate --keep your body and heart rate guessing, so to speak, rather than keeping it steady for a longer period of time.  Intervals consist of short bursts of all-out, maximum effort and physical exertion, with resting periods in between.  Ideally, one should work almost to the point of exhaustion or 'failure' for a short duration of time, followed by a brief resting period at a comfortable pace.  Wait until your heart rate returns to almost normal, and then begin another interval.  One interval entails one exertion period and one resting period.  For example, do a five-minute warm-up, followed by ten minutes of interval cycles, and wrap up with a five-minute cool-down.  In this short time, you will find that you exert as much effort, if not more, than you do during forty minutes of cardio at a steady pace.  You will probably find that you sweat more and are more fatigued, as well.  There are many different methods and combinations of possible interval workouts -- they can be conducted on a treadmill, the Elliptical, the StairMaster, outside on a track or even on a trail; your options are endless.  Interval training torches more calories and burns more fat in just a short period of time, because of your varying heart rate.  Think about it like this: When you cruise in your car at a steady, moderate,  and maintained speed, you use much less gas (or in this case, calories) than when you quickly step on the gas and accelerate at rapid bursts of speed.  Here is a quick example of one of my go-to treadmill interval workouts:
  • Begin with a five-minute warm-up on the treadmill (i.e. walking at a moderate  pace)
  • Sprint at an all-out effort for 15-45 seconds (depending on your personal level of fitness -- for me, this is at about a speed '9' on a typical treadmill, but this varies significantly from person to person)
  • Follow with two minutes of slow jogging, or fast walking -- this is the 'resting' period -- until your heart rate returns to almost normal.
  • Begin another interval -- repeat steps 2 & 3 anywhere from 4-8 times, varying exertion times and speeds according to your ability.
  • End with a five-minute cool-down (i.e. walking at a moderate pace)
     Again, there are an endless number of interval workouts you can do.  This one is only about twenty minutes, but it is a great and effective workout if you are pressed for time.  Of course, interval workouts needn't be only twenty minutes -- feel free to make them longer or shorter according to your needs and goals.

"Good Glass": Health Risks Associated With Drinking Out of Plastic Water Bottles

     Since your goal is to start drinking at least 64 oz. of water per day, that is a lot of potential plastic.  Not only can this be wasteful environmentally-speaking, but studies have shown certain plastics to be hazardous to our health.  For example, Bisphemol A (more commonly BPA) is an additive use in polycarbonate plastics, as well as in the lining of food cans.  BPA has been found to act as a hormone-disruptor, as well as a carcinogen.  Additionally, Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) is the plastic commonly used in many water bottles, and has also been shown to leach other hormone-disrupting chemicals into the water it contains.
     The 'leaching' of chemicals from plastics into food and water occurs at a more rapid rate at higher temperatures, or when items are microwaved in plastic.  Similarly, bacteria can leach into water bottles further when the water reaches warm or room temperatures.  Avoid the risks associated with drinking out of plastic water bottles (and help preserve the environment, too) by opting for stainless steel or glass bottles.  The VOSS glass water bottles, available at most grocery and drug stores, are a good size and a handy refillable bottle for daily use.

Good Morning! Wake Up To a Beneficial Glass of Warm Water With Freshly-Squeezed Lemon Juice!

Need an invigorating morning pick-me-up?  Before your daily cup of joe, wake up with a glass of warm water with lemon.  Fresh lemon juice stimulates healthy liver function and prepares it to help better digest your food throughout the rest of the day.  Additionally, lemons are a great source of vitamin c and antioxidants, so your immune system will be kicked into high gear first thing in the a.m.!  Beginning your morning with this nutrient-rich beverage will energize you for the rest of the day.  Thanks Auntie!  :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Diet & Nutrition: Healthy Dinner Idea

Turkey Burger with Chips

Enjoy a lean and delicious turkey burger on a whole-wheat bun and topped with red onion, tomato, fresh green-leaf lettuce, jalapeno, avocado, pepperjack cheese, and Veganaise.  Pair with CrispRoot ridged cassava root chips for a healthy and tasty meal!
  • Turkey burgers a great source of lean protein, boasting 16 grams per serving, and contain 50% less fat than regular ground beef, and are just as delicious -- make the switch!
  • Cassava vegetable root chips are a crunchy and satisfying substitution for regular potato chips, with 40% less fat.  Gluten-free and all natural, you can hardly tell the difference!

You Are Capable of Far More Than You've Ever Imagined...

     For those of you who don't believe you can change your life and achieve your goals, lack inspiration, or need motivation, try this on for size:  Just one year after I began exercising and living a more healthy lifestyle, I ran my first marathonThat's right, 26.2 miles in five hours and thirty-one minutes, a seemingly impossible feat that many people (including my own friends) did not believe I could do.  Rather than receive words of encouragement, I was told that I was attempting something hopeless and impossible.  This only motivated me further.  At that point, giving up was not an option -- I knew I had to make it to the finish line to prove not only to others that I could do it, but to myself, as well.  It was an indescribable physical and mental journey; only then did I fully realize the power of determination (and the human body).  I understood then that you really can do anything you put your mind to -- do not let discouragement or others stand in your way.  Two months ago, I ran and completed my second Los Angeles Marathon, much to everyone's continued awe and surprise.  Two years ago, I could barely one run mile -- believe in endless possibilities.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Diet & Nutrition: 10 Healthy Foods You Should Always Have in Your Kitchen

     On your way to a healthier lifestyle, you have to maintain your motivation when it comes to your diet and eating habits.  Good overall health and fitness comes with good nutrition.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, you are now going to frequent the grocery store rather than the drive-thru.  Keep your kitchen stocked with fresh and healthy foods so that there is no excuse to eat fast-food.  When I first began my health transformation, I was very strict with my new clean diet.  I made sure to make weekly trips to the grocery store so that I always had my favorite healthy foods on hand.  At first, I was an 'amateur' healthy eater and grocery shopper, but after a little while I quickly became accustomed to my new healthy diet and lifestyle -- I became a pro at 'healthy shopping' and eating, and it became effortless.  Here is an example of 10 healthy food items that I would make sure to always have in my kitchen, and which made eating healthily easier:
  • Fresh berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries)
  • Natural peanut butter (no added sugar or salt)
  • Spinach
  • Whole grain bread/tortillas
  • Skim milk
  • Almonds and other assorted nuts
  • Eggs
  • Low-fat yogurt
  • Fresh-cut veggies (carrots, broccoli, bell pepper, cauliflower, cucumber)
  • Frozen boneless, skinless chicken breasts
     This is a brief and basic example of some healthy foods I always make sure to have on hand -- they make for a variety of nutritious snacks and meals, and they are a good list of staples to start with.

Diet: Think Clean & Green

    Perhaps the biggest change I have made in my lifestyle in the last couple years has been in my diet and eating habits.  As I mentioned before, healthy eating habits are actually more important and contribute more to overall health and fitness than exercise alone.  If  you really want to see a change in your body and physique (and fast), change your eating habits.  I love food, and I used to eat absolutely whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.  I would not give a second thought to anything I put in my mouth.  Fast food, soda, salty snacks, sugary and starchy treats... I would not discriminate.  I was/am a sucker for a cheeseburger and fries.  However, I am not a believer in deprivation -- just moderation!  You don't have to give up the foods you love all together -- just enjoy them in moderation and stick to clean, healthy, fresh eating habits and maintain an active lifestyle the majority of the time.  Depending on your personal fitness/weight-loss/health goals, however, you may want to be more strict in your own diet/eating habits.  I used to be much more stringent in my diet; however, I have relaxed in that area quite a bit.  When I first began transforming my diet lifestyle, though, these are a few examples of the changes I made:
  • Replace all liquids with water, and coffee/tea if you require caffeinated beverages (coffee and tea contain healthy antioxidants and are virtually sugar/calorie-free in their pure form).  Even juices that are marketed to be 'healthy and organic' are typically loaded with sugar and extra calories.  Try to drink at least 64 oz. of water each day.
  • Eliminate alcohol, or at least significantly decrease your intake.
  • Give up fast-food all together!
  • Make the grocery store your new hangout -- since you are giving up fast, convenient, and processed food, you need to have fresh, organic, and healthy ingredients on hand.
  • Prepare all of your meals, even if that means you have to plan and pack meals ahead of time.  I got into the habit of waking up just a half-hour earlier every morning, so that I could make and enjoy breakfast, as well as make my lunch for the day.  Not only will you save pounds, but you'll save a ton of money, as well!
  • Rather than eating three large meals a day, get into the habit of eating six times/smaller meals a day.  This keeps your metabolism going strong throughout the day, and you will find that you will have more energy to keep you going, as well.
  • Buy lots of fresh and organic vegetables, wash them, cut them up, and store them in Tupperware containers in the fridge for quick, convenient, and healthy snacking (this is significantly cheaper than buying the pre-cut and prepared packs of veggies, although that works, too).
  • Have a hearty, carb-filled breakfast every morning (healthy carbs and whole grains, of course -- more on that later).  Don't hesitate to load up on calories at breakfast time -- this is the time to do so!  You will burn the calories throughout the day, but a filling breakfast will keep jump start your metabolism in the morning and keep it running strong throughout the day.  Aim for 300-450 calories at breakfast, depending on how active you plan to be.  Also, don't skip this meal!  If you want to lose weight and keep it off, indulge in the morning meal. 
  • Four things to be conscious of if you are trying to lose and/or maintain weight are sugar, sodium, fat, and calorie content in the foods you eat.  As you probably know, you should aim to stay under 2,000 mg of sodium per day.  No one item you eat should exceed 25 grams of processed sugar (try to stay well under that -- don't be afraid to read and study nutrition labels).
  • A good rule of thumb is to try to eat foods that are low in processed sugar and in sodium, and higher in fiber and protein.  Calories aren't as important, as long as you are staying active and exercising.
  • Don't be afraid of carbs.  You should not attempt to give them up; that is an urban weight-loss myth.  You need carbs to maintain energy, as they are first things to burn off.  However, make sure they are good and complex carbs, which brings me to my next point...
  • Whole grains, whole grains, whole grains -- you needn't fear bread/pasta/starch products as long as they are whole grains whenever possible!  You should strive to eat about 40 grams of whole grains per day.  Almost every starchy food product has a whole grain counter-part these days... Bread, pasta, cereal, crackers/chips, tortillas, buns, and even pizza crust are a few examples of where you can easily make this switch.  No more white bread/pasta products... They are empty, excessive calories with virtually no nutritional value.
  • Leafy-greens are your new best friend, especially spinach, the super-food of all super-foods.  Try to get at least one serving of green vegetables per day, ideally more.  Throw a daily spinach salad or a serving of sauteed spinach in your mix and reap the nutritional and digestive benefits.
  • Finally, you don't need to give up any one food group.  Many people believe in low-carb diets, or dairy-free or meatless diets.  The most effective way to healthily eat, and the way you will produce the best results, is to incorporate all the food groups into your daily diet (unless of course you have a specific food allergy, such as lactose intolerance or an allergy to gluten).
  • Try to give up candy and sugary treats all together, especially if your diet and weight-loss goals are more extreme.
     These are only a few of the numerous diet-related tips I plan to discuss and write about, but these can and should get you started in your transformation.  Follow these few, simple suggestions and you will quickly begin to feel and see a difference in your body.  It might be difficult at first, depending on the habits and lifestyle you are accustomed to, but you will quickly get used to and even probably develop a preference for these habits.

Tried and True Tips for Transformation

     In addition to my new found active lifestyle, I began to make other various tweaks and changes to improve my overall health, fitness, and well-being.  Some of these were just minor changes, others more significant.  Either way, every single change, addition, or elimination of habits has contributed to or improved my healthy lifestyle in some way.  Here are a few things you can start with if you want to start feeling and seeing a difference immediately. 
  • First and foremost, I ceased smoking the occasional cigarette immediately and for good (I was fortunate enough to be able to drop that horrendous habit suddenly and easily). 
  • My life used to revolve around partying and socially drinking, so I knew I had to make some major changes in that aspect of my life, as well.  There was a time when I was going out and drinking 2-4 nights a week -- those days were over.  I began to limit my alcohol consumption to maybe one night a week, sometimes only once every other week.  This is one of the first places  you can and should start if you want to start seeing and feeling a drastic difference in your health, fitness, and overall well-being.  I began to notice a difference immediately -- I looked better, felt better, had more energy, and was healthier overall.  My body just felt cleaner and clearer overall, and I soon became addicted to that feeling.  Additionally, this is one of the first and fastest steps you can take to cut calories, sugar, and lose weight.  This was surprisingly a relatively easy step for me to take -- I quickly began to feel that when I did drink, it would completely negate my workouts and healthy lifestyle, and so it was not difficult for me to make this important and effective change.
  • I began to make a conscious effort to get more sleep.  To look and feel your best, this is where you should start.  I used to run on anywhere from 4-7 hours of sleep per night; this is not nearly enough.  I used to rarely go to bed before midnight; going to sleep at 2 and 3am was much more common for me.  I began to make it a habit to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night; in this I noticed a huge difference in my health and appearance.  I felt more refreshed and energized, and my appearance looked accordingly.  This was a new and wonderful feeling -- before, it was rare when I was not tired and/or hungover.  I used to get sick a couple times a month -- now I get sick maybe once or twice a year.  Additionally, lack of sleep results in an increase of the stress hormone cortisol, which leads to a decrease in metabolism, and an increase in fat stores and weight gain.  I have found the benefits of plenty of sleep to be endless thus far...
  • Drink more water -- people don't just say this for no reason.  As I cut alcohol out of my lifestyle/diet, so did I increase my water intake substantially.  I pretty much eliminated all beverages besides water and coffee/tea.  Sodas (even diet) and sugary juices and other drinks were gone.  This is an easy way to eliminate extra and unwanted calories and sugar.  Water is the best energy drink -- I had much more energy, felt clean and refreshed, and even looked better; my skin/complexion became clearer and more radiant.  You should strive to drink at least two liters of water each day in order to keep your body flushed of toxins and your metabolism running strong.  You will immediately begin to look and feel better!
  • Clean your diet -- you can workout and burn all the calories you want, but if you are not eating right, it's not going to make a difference in your health and physique.  Good fitness is probably about 70% diet, and 30% exercise.  Eating junk food, processed foods, and foods high in sugar, fat, and sodium will negate your healthy efforts.  A lot more detail will follow regarding healthy diet and eating habits, but you should make a conscious effort and get started now