
Friday, May 18, 2012

Today's Workout: Intervals on the StairMaster

Work. Finals. Impending graduation. Homework. Relationships. Time management. Stress. After this week, I REALLY needed to let off some steam. However, sometimes you'll find that after a particularly long, busy day, you don't have much time (let alone energy) to get a workout in. This was definitely one of those days. I reminded myself that 'something is better than nothing,' and headed to the gym. I knew I'd feel better, physically and mentally, after a good workout. So, I hopped on the StairMaster for an interval workout. Nothing gets my heart racing like intervals on the StairMaster -- not only is it great and effective cardio, but it targets and works several muscle groups as well, and so has toning benefits -- glutes, calves, and quads are among the muscles worked. In just thirty minutes, I was sweating, blood pumping, and I felt rejuvenated after a long and busy week.
To perform this workout, warm up for five minutes at a comfortable pace. Beginning your intervals, raise the speed to about 4 levels higher than your comfort zone, to where you are really huffing and puffing. Maintain for 1-2 minutes, then return to your moderate pace/level of exertion. Repeat this cycle 4-6 times -- I promise, you'll feel the effectiveness of this workout! End with a five-minute cool-down.
Sometimes, when working out is the last thing we want to do, it's really the thing we need most. Even if you are tired and drained, you'll find that a good sweat session will give you more energy in the end! Do it for not only your body, but your mind and soul.

Duration: 30 minutes
Level/speed: Varying between 8-14
Average calories burned: 350

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