
Thursday, December 20, 2012

"Who's Gonna Save the World Tonight?"

     With all this talk of the end of the Mayan calendar (aka the end of the world), I got to thinking -- if the world really did end tonight, would I have any regrets?  I don't typically put much stock into such fancies, but still... incessant talk of the impending apocalypse will get anyone thinking about it.  One thing I can say is, I definitely have not been feeling too fabulous lately, so it'd be a shame if the world ended on such a glum note.  I recently ended a two-year relationship with the man who I had always thought to be my soul mate, in order to pursue my lifelong dreams.  For as long as I can remember, I have always dreamed of moving to New York City, and living a big life in what I believe to be the most exciting city in the world.  Until recently, though, it always seemed like just that -- a dream.  I never let the dream reach quite into the realm of reality.  I had resigned myself to the fact that New York would always be a place I would admire and dream about from afar, and visit from time to time when I got lucky -- a mere fantasy.  For many years, I was okay with this.  I recognized that this restless desire was within me, and I tried to stifle it.  A few months ago, it hit me like a freight train -- why in the name of God am I trying to stifle my dreams??  I should be doing the opposite!  Life is too short and precious to push our dreams to the side, hoping that they'll go away (they never will -- they'll only grow and manifest within us until it is too late).  It became suddenly very clear to me that I was then faced with an earth-shattering decision to make: Do I stay here with the man I love and live contentedly, but risk always wondering 'What if?' for the rest of my life?  Or do I sever a relationship full of love, passion, and companionship in the name of my own selfish dreams and desires?  I have always lived my life trying to please others, even at my own expense -- in some circumstances, I have been miserable just for the sake of not displeasing others.  I was sick of this aspect of my personality -- when was I going to start living for myself?  When I'm dead?  Would I be okay with the world ending, knowing that I never even tried to pursue my dreams?  There is no excuse for that, not in this life or the next.  So, I made the gut-wrenching decision to leave him, for this is a journey on which he does not desire to accompany me.  Sometimes, it felt like I was ripping my own heart out of my chest, but somehow, I knew I was doing the right thing.  I was doing me, for once.  I know that I hurt him (I hurt me, too), but I also know that I simply cannot go through life never having chased my dreams -- for that is not a life worth living.  I am a firm believer that your soul mate should complement your dreams and goals -- you should be able to have both, not one or the other.  And so, one day when it's finally meant to be, I believe I'll have it all.  Everything will fall into place, and I won't have to give anything up.  If the world ends tonight, while I won't be spending my last night in the arms of the man I love, I can at least find solace in the fact that I was on the path to pursuing my dreams.  Right now, that's enough for me.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

"When it is Dark Enough, You Can See the Stars..."

     It is far beyond my comprehension how, as human beings, we are able to keep going and endure this life, in spite of the seemingly endless darkness, pain, and overwhelming grief it constantly serves us.  How, in the aftermath of the slaughtering of twenty innocent children, do we carry on?  How do we manage to function?  Sometimes, I am filled with wonder that we keep going.  In moments where we want to fall to our knees and surrender, how do we manage to drag ourselves up?  Every time some force of evil or wretchedness is unleashed upon the world, I can't help but wonder this.  Can we even fully wrap our minds around the darkness which is constantly threatening to swallow us whole?  Is it the lack of comprehension which protects us, and allows us to keep living?  We know we feel grief, empathy, sorrow, anger, confusion, hurt, fear, and hopelessness... Sometimes I don't think that is enough.  Sometimes I think that, if we really felt and truly understood the darkness of the world, we would cease to exist -- I don't think the human mind can handle that magnitude of pain.  I think the world would collapse under the weight of such grief.  In the wake of such incomprehensible tragedy, I feel compelled to write -- because that is all I can do.  As tears stream down my face, I am aware that I still do not understand what has happened, or why, or how.  What is this world we are living in, and how are we still safe?  How do we all manage to get out of bed, let alone continue to live our lives?  I feel thankful that my mind has not allowed me the full realization of such darkness, and that it has somehow protected me in doing so -- otherwise, I do not think I would survive.  None of us could.
     Today, as by the grace of God I somehow managed to go for a run, all I could feel was thankful that I was alive, feeling my heart beat and blood pumping through my veins.  Thankful that I was able to go on that run, when so many children will have no such chance to do a simple thing as that.  Thankful for every precious step and breath on this earth.  Who knows when it will be my last?  My other worries and emotions become trivialized as I have that rare moment of understanding and pure gratitude -- at least I am alive.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

It Does Not Matter How Slowly You Go - So Long As You Don't Stop

     Sometimes I still can't believe that, a mere three years ago, I couldn't even run a quarter of a mile -- nor did I want to or enjoy it.  Friends could not pay me to run or workout with them; I used to be completely content with such a lifestyle.  Now, in just two years, I have two full marathons, one half-marathon, an 8k and four 5k's under my [runner's] belt.  I love having goals to constantly be 'running' toward.  Looking forward to the next race or event keeps me moving and motivated; there is always something to work for and room for growth and improvement.  There's nothing I love more than motivating others along with me -- getting a group of friends together to participate in a race is such a positive and uplifting experience.  Today, for example, a group of girlfriends and I participated in the Jingle Bell Run/Walk 5k for Arthritis, hosted and organized by the Arthritis Foundation.  Having several friends afflicted with this condition, I was passionate about getting involved and getting others on our team, as well.  As always, half the fun is looking forward to and anticipating the race, but nothing is more exciting than the actual event.  Seeing the determination and motivation of all the participants, no matter their shape or physical condition, is truly moving and inspiring.  Whether they run, walk, or wheelchair to the finish line -- they get there.  Many participants were afflicted with arthritis themselves (like my friend and the 'captain' and organizer of our team), and no matter how much pain they might have been in, they still made the journey to the finish line.  It does not matter how long it takes you to get there -- the fact that you get there is amazing in and of itself.  It does not matter how fast or strong you are, or how good of shape you are in -- keep at it, one step and one foot at a time, and eventually you will achieve goals you never dreamed possible.
     Today, I placed in my very first race: I came in third place for females in my age group.  It was not a very big event, and there were not too many participants, but still -- it was a great feeling knowing I have come this far.  It reminded me that there is reward for dedication and perseverance, and it reminded me to keep going.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Winter's Beauty 101: A Few Tips For Staying Fresh and Bright

     As you know, with the cold, dry winter months comes dehydrated, dull-looking skin and a somewhat pallid complexion.  Being a self-proclaimed sun worshiper myself, I always dread the coming fall and winter months, where the lack of consistent vitamin D tends to make me look a little pale and sickly.  There is nothing I love more than a fresh, bright-looking complexion, although this is sometimes a difficult feat in the dead of winter, when the sun tends to hide behind clouds and most time is spent indoors.  However, after many cold seasons of trial and error, I think I have mastered the art of maintaining a bright and hydrated-looking complexion, and keeping that healthy glow we all love so much.  Read on for a few of my cosmetic routines and product suggestions, try it for yourself if you so desire, and behold the glow.
     Moisturizing is key during the harsh and dry months of fall and winter, and should in most cases be done twice a day (morning and night).  For the most part, I tend to have a somewhat oily complexion, and usually use light and oil-free moisturizers.  However, I usually switch to a richer moisturizer during the fall and winter in order to give my skin the moisture and hydration it craves.  Right now, I'm using Alba Botanicals Natural Hawaiian Moisture Cream with smoothing jasmine and vitamin E.  This particular cosmetic line is natural, organic, and 100% vegetarian.  It leaves my skin feeling soft, smooth, quenched, and the subtle fragrance of jasmine flowers is luxurious and relaxing.  Also, I have somewhat sensitive skin and this moisturizer never causes any irritation.  
     Before moisturizing, though, is the key step of cleansing and exfoliating.  I used to cleanse twice per day, but found that over-washing can actually irritate the skin more, and may make it prone to breakouts.  Instead, I use a cleanser at night to rid my face of all makeup, dirt, oil, and impurities.  In the morning, I simply rinse my face with warm water.  Exfoliation is an important and sometimes overlooked step in skincare; its purpose is to gently remove dead, dry skin cells and unveil the fresher, new skin underneath the top weathered layers.  In order to combine the steps of cleansing and exfoliation into one, I use Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash Pink Grapefruit Foaming Scrub.  This is one of my all-time favorite cosmetic products on the market -- with its naturally derived grapefruit extract, vitamin C, and microbeads, it gently cleans and exfoliates my skin, leaving it bright and refreshed.  For a little extra glow, sometimes I'll use a little Jergens Natural Glow FACE Daily Facial Moisturizer with SPF 20 -- this is a safe yet beneficial way to achieve a sun-kissed look on the face without hitting the tanning beds (please don't do that)!
     As far as makeup goes, I like to keep it light and simple.  A little Vaseline or petroleum jelly is my go-to product for lips; it's cheap, and gives the lips a full, supple, shiny look -- it looks like you're wearing a $20 lip plumper or gloss, and gives them plenty of moisture and hydration.  A touch of pink or peach blush to achieve a rosy glow is a must, along with curled eyelashes and a little mascara.  Hence, a simple, bright, and fresh face!
     These are a few of my 'tried and true' methods for maintaining a healthy-looking, bright complexion during the cold and dry season.  Don't forget, though, one of the best things you can to is hydrate from within for a quenched appearance on the outside -- drink plenty of water; make sure you are getting at least 64 oz. a day! :)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Pilates: Strengthen Your Body and Mind

     Last night, feeling a bit low on energy and not much in the mood for a long run, I decided to try an old faithful favorite -- pilates.  For those of you unaware, pilates is a body conditioning routine that places emphasis on stretching and strengthening the entire body, particularly the legs, back, hips, and core.  It's somewhat similar to yoga, but not quite as relaxing -- I like it because there is a bit more strength training involved, and my heart rate seems to get up there when I do pilates more so than it does during yoga.  If you are anything like me, then you might carry all your stress, anxiety, and tension in your back, which can be a debilitating ailment.  After a particularly difficult and emotional several days, I definitely felt in need of a good stretch and effective workout.  Pilates did not let me down.  With focus on back strength, stretching, and alignment, I felt like a whole new person at the end of the hour-long class.  There were plenty of core and ab exercises, which are areas I sometimes tend to neglect on my own.  The instructor also dedicated a portion of the class to legs and glutes, so those were nice and sore today, as well (I love that next-day soreness -- it reminds me that I got a great workout).  Additionally, with a lot of weight and support being placed on hands, forearms, and shoulders, it's a great upper-body workout.  Last night's pilates session was a win-win for me -- I got the stretching and relaxation I needed combined with the awesome full-body workout I wanted.  If you've never tried it, I'd recommend you do so asap; you won't be disappointed!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Leave the Past Behind... Just Run Away.

     One of the hardest things we'll endure in this life is a break-up, or the demise of any relationship, for that matter.  Most of you have probably experienced the bleak, drained feeling to which I am referring -- if you haven't, consider yourself lucky.  Relationships end for all sorts of reasons, but no matter the reason, they are nearly always difficult and painful.  The dull, aching feeling inside of you feels like it is never going to cease.  You feel like you can't get enough sleep, and that your appetite will never return.  Energy and motivation to workout are not even on your wavelength.  The hardest thing for me is that feeling where I simply do not want to get out of bed, no matter what time of day it is.  I can't find that energy within which I am usually so accustomed to.  Usually, I look forward to my workouts and runs more than any other part of my day -- now, I dread anything that requires physical and mental energy.
     Today, despite the dreary, rainy weather, I forced myself to get out of bed and go for a run.  In that moment, I felt that if I could do that, I could get through anything, so difficult the feat seemed.  It was hard at first, I'll admit, but with every step I gradually felt my energy return and begin to revive me.  As the rain began to fall and the moonlight shone through the dark, stormy clouds, I somehow managed to feel the faint light of hope and optimism.  I kept running, and concentrated on the rhythmic sound of my breathing, the feeling of my heart pumping blood through my veins.  I felt alive, and that I was running toward something new -- away from the pain. I kept going, just as we need to keep going in life, no matter what it throws at us.  Just keep running, moving, praying, loving, hoping... Leave the past behind.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Just Because You Go On Vacay Doesn't Mean Your Fitness Has To...

     For many of us, the holidays are a time of joy, excitement, and indulgence.  Others, however, tend to stress over the lack of time, endless hustle and bustle, and ceaseless social and familial obligations, among other things.  If you're like me, you might even fret over the abundance of extra calories consumed throughout the holiday season, with even less time available to dedicate to exercise.  Many of us might even resign ourselves to the fact that a few extra pounds will be added on during this time of joy and celebration.
     Between holiday guests, family trips and vacations, and other various commitments, sometimes working out makes its way to the bottom of our priority lists.  It's especially difficult to fit exercise into travel and vacations, as you're away from home (and your gym) and your normal, daily routine.  Rather than use vacation as an excuse to slack on your exercise, why not take it with you??  Use vacation as a chance to escape your usual, boring routine, and instead try something different, fresh, and perhaps specific to the area in which you are traveling.  This way, you can turn working out into a fun, anticipated activity rather than a dreaded chore.  Last Thanksgiving weekend, for example, I traveled to Arizona to visit my grandparents for the holiday, and had been somewhat dreading taking five days off from my standard fitness routine.  A few days before my departure, I started researching local hikes and other outdoor activities to do while I was there.  I began looking forward to the warm, sunny weather and clear blue skies which awaited me, and planned to take full advantage -- which I did.  Even Southern California weather does not compare to the perfect, 78-degrees-and-sunny conditions of the Arizona desert in the fall.  Knowing I had five glorious days off work ahead of me, I planned to spend as much of it as possible outdoors and in the sun.  Using the city's website, I planned two beautiful long hikes in the desert red rocks of Sedona, as well as planned a day to walk around and explore the town (not drive) -- three days of exercise taken care of.  I even found the local gym and worked out there as a guest for one day.  The best part about vacation is it gives you the chance to get out on your feet and explore some place new and different, which is an adventure in and of itself.  There is no excuse to spend your vacation indoors watching TV (unless of course you are sick or injured).  So, no reason to let a holiday vacay stand in the way of your fitness routine -- if anything, look at it as a chance for novelty, variety, and adventure!  :)

These are some of the fantastic views I enjoyed on my desert hikes -- what more could you ask for in exercise?!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

You Know What They Say... Exercise is the Best Medicine

     For many of us, 'that time of the month' is an excuse to lie around, binge on junk food, and neglect our exercise routines (I'm not always exempt from this).  Energy levels are low, irritability is high, and pain and discomfort still higher -- sometimes, the last thing you want to do is get up and get your butt in gear.  However, next time you find that cramps and fatigue are getting the best of you, resist the urge to curl up in a ball with a hunk of chocolate, get up, and get active.  Believe me -- exercise is better than 800mg of Ibuprofen when it comes to menstrual woes.  Take today, for example: I was tired, cranky, and slightly nauseous with an achy lower back and a constant dull pain in my uterus (I'm sure I don't have to describe this feeling to you).  I had made plans earlier to go for an evening jog with a girlfriend, and I could not have been less interested in keeping that date -- I just wanted to go home and curl up in bed in self-pity.  However, I told myself that [maybe] I'd feel better in the end for it and forced myself to get moving.  As it turns out, it's true what they say -- exercise really is the best medicine!  I started my run feeling lethargic and hardly motivated; I ended feeling refreshed, energized, and pain-free!  Headache, cramps, fatigue -- gone!  As hard as it was to get going, I'm glad I pushed myself.  It was definitely worth the struggle.  Remember, the next time exercising is the last thing you want to do, it might be the one thing you should do!  Tried and true.  :)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Cycle of Life

     You may be aware of a more recent trend in health and fitness -- the intimidating, but all-the-more rewarding, spin/cycle class.  It took me a while to jump on the bike, but once I did, I was hooked.  I had always been extremely intimidated by the hour-long, intense workout that people were raving about -- I didn't think I could do it!  A friend finally convinced me to give it a try, though, and I am so glad I did!  I was beginning to plateau in my running, and knew I needed to try something different and perhaps more challenging.  Well, different and challenging it was!  As I mentioned before, I did not think I'd be able to withstand an hour of strenuous and fast-paced cycling.  However, in a class full of motivation, encouragement, and constant coaching by the instructor, an hour turned out to be not only doable, but fun and exhilarating!  I definitely found myself much more sweaty and out of breath than when I run, which told me I was getting the cardio boost I was looking for.  Additionally, no two instructors' methods are the same; therefore, no two workouts are the same level, pace, or rhythm -- this in turn prevents plateauing (a very undesirable and somewhat inevitable workout result).  On average, I find that I burn about 500 calories per spin session, and feel great afterwards!  There is always loud, upbeat music to keep your energy up and your blood pumping.  If you are looking for a thorough and effective workout, cycling class is the way to go!  Even if you're a novice, you'll get the hang of it after that first class, I promise!  :)  Go get your spin on!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Fabulous Fall Cocktail: Orient Apple Martini

    In search of the perfect, delicious yet light fall cocktail?  Give this fun, flirty drink a try -- the Orient apple martini, featuring Absolut Orient Apple flavored vodka.  After one of my beloved late-afternoon autumn walks, I got thirsty for a refreshing cocktail, and had been wanting to give Absolut's new flavor a try.  Per Absolut's suggestion, I paired this apple and ginger-infused vodka with a little cranberry juice, and was not disappointed!  See below for a quick and easy guilt-free drink!  :)

-1 oz. Absolut Orient Apple flavored vodka
-2 oz. organic, unsweetened cranberry juice (no added preservatives, colors, or sodium)
-1/2 fresh-squeezed lime juice
-1 tsp. all-natural agave nectar

Shake ingredients together in a martini shaker on ice, serve, and enjoy!


Friday, October 12, 2012

"It seemed like a good idea three months ago..." Training for a Half-Marathon!

     Hola, blogettes!  I'm back on the blog.  Apologies for the sporadic nature of my posts, but I've been so busy with life the past couple months that I have neglected to write about... life.  Between work, trying to graduate, relationships, social commitments, and (of course) working out, it's sometimes difficult to find time to sit down for the things we love.  Something else was keeping me busy the past couple months, as well -- training for a half-marathon!  Granted, perhaps I should have been blogging along the way :/ Anyway, I have discovered a new passion and felt the need to write about it.  As I have mentioned in previous posts, I have run two full marathons in the past (both of which were indescribable experiences), but I have discovered a different kind of love for HALF-marathons!  That is, a fun and incredible journey, but without quite so much pain and/or discomfort!  ;)  A group of girlfriends and I got together about three months ago and decided we were going to run the annual Long Beach Half-Marathon, held every October.  100% flat and about 90% coastal, it seemed like a good route to start off with.  The best part of this experience, surprisingly enough, was training with my girlfriends.  Training sessions/runs gave us something to look forward to on summer and early fall evenings -- I would actually look forward to our group runs.  Time flew by during these workouts, they were enjoyable, and they hardly seemed like work!  Between the five of us on our little 'team,' there was always someone to run with and keep you motivated.  There was healthy, friendly competition and constant excitement and anticipation for our upcoming event.  Running with the season change was a beautiful experience, as well, going from runs on warm summer nights, to brisk fall afternoons.  As October 7th approached, we were excited, nervous, but ready to run 13.1 miles.
     The run itself was a great experience for me.  It was a beautiful, clear, sunny day; not too warm and not too cold.  It was exhilarating running along the ocean for the majority of the route -- I found it energizing, yet peaceful at the same time.  I felt great and had good energy all the way through about mile 11; I then began to hit my usual 'it's almost over but not quite yet' wall.  It was difficult, but nowhere near impossible.  As always, that final sprint toward and across the finish line made everything worth it.  I would definitely consider it a more relaxing and enjoyable experience than a full marathon (as amazing an experience as that is), and I am looking forward to my next one!  I have decided to attempt the 'Beach Cities Challenge' -- that is, three consecutive half-marathons (or marathons) in Orange County.  They are the Long Beach Half-Marathon, Run Surf City Half-Marathon, and the OC Half-Marathon, completion of which means you achieved the Beach Cities Challenge!  Initially disappointed when our half-marathon was over, my girlfriends and I now have something to look forward to again -- more training, fun runs, and race day!


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Weekend Workout Suggestion: Head For the Hills

     In the interest of adding variety and a change of scenery to your workout, take advantage of any extra free time you may have (whether it be weekends or other days off throughout the week), and head for the hills for a nice, long hike.  Grab a friend or significant other and look at it as a small adventure, complete with fresh air, sunshine, and (usually) great views.  Pack a lunch, some water/sports drinks, and protein bars in preparation for what could be an hour to several-hour workout.  Hiking can be a strenuous activity, but you'll be distracted by the scenery, change of pace, and variety in exertion.  For example, head to the coast and hike the El Moro Canyon trails at Crystal Cove State Park in Newport Beach.  This hike is a favorite amongst Orange County residents, boasting panoramic ocean views throughout the entirety of the hike.  A refreshing ocean breeze makes this a pretty unbeatable and enjoyable workout.  4.8 miles and an hour-and-a-half flies by – you will barely even notice you’re exercising!  Additionally, there is a wide variety of different routes and trails, with different distances and levels of difficulty, so you can always mix it up and add variety.  Research local hikes/trails in your area and head for the great outdoors!

Here is just one of the many sweeping views you can enoy during a hike like this one:

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Refreshing Summer Cocktail: Jay's Skinny Margarita

     There's nothing better on a warm summer evening than a cool, refreshing cocktail.  Even better than that is a skinny, guilt-free cocktail which you can thoroughly enjoy -- especially post-workout!  Here's my take on a summer classic: The [Skinny] Margarita.  It's low-cal, low in sugar, and full of fresh fruit juice -- Muy delicioso!

1 oz. tequila
1 oz. sweet & sour/margarita mix
2 oz. club soda
1/2 fresh-squeezed lime
1/4 fresh-squeezed orange
1/4 fresh-squeezed lemon

     Fill glass generously with ice and enjoy!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Tried and True: Grab a Workout Buddy or Two!

     Feeling lazy?  Sluggish?  Tired?  Unmotivated?  Rather do something other than exercise?  We've all been there -- however, the difference is that some of us don't let this feeling get the best of us.  I've found that sometimes something as simple as a workout buddy can make all the difference in the world.  So, the next time you are feeling particularly unmotivated, call up a friend and ask her/him to join you.  Not only will this give you time to chat and catch up, but you are likely to motivate each other and push each other a little harder -- there may even be some friendly competitive spirit!  You'll find that an hour-long workout flies by, whether it be an early evening stroll or pounding it out on the treadmill.  You can combine your social life with your fitness life, strengthen friendships, as well as bond over your common passion for a healthy and active lifestyle.  Schedule regular workout 'dates' a couple times a week -- you might even look forward to these workout sessions.  If you are feeling particularly lazy one day, chances are your buddy will give you that little extra push you need to get going, and vice versa -- there have been many instances in which I probably would have bailed on my daily workout had it not been for my workout buddy!
     There can be other pros to the 'buddy' system, as well -- as you probably know, it can be hard work to maintain strong connections and relationships in the midst of our endlessly busy and hectic lives, especially with a significant other.  Between work, school, working out, kids, extracurricular activities, and everything else, it can be difficult to find quality time to spend with our partner.  Why not workout together, rather than separately, and use this time to bond and encourage each other?  Sometimes, it can be nice to end a busy day with a long, evening walk or jog.  It gives you a chance to talk, catch up, and simply be together in a relaxing and refreshing environment -- this can do wonders for a relationship.  As our lives become busier and we take on more and more, it becomes increasingly crucial to set aside quality time to work on our relationships and strengthen the bonds.  So, develop a workout/fitness plan that you and your partner can enjoy together -- after all, a relationship requires just as much work and maintenance as your fitness does!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Earth, Water, Wind, & Fire

     Utilize the elements to add variety and excitement to your active lifestyle -- take your workout from the land to the sea!  The warmer weather allows you to mix things up and engage in more outdoor activities, especially water sports.  If you are fortunate enough to live near the ocean, take advantage of this aesthetic playground and head for the shores to get your fresh air and fitness.  Last Memorial Day weekend, I headed to the coast with some friends and paddled out to sea for an afternoon of ocean kayaking.  At only $15/hour for rentals, this was a relatively inexpensive, fun, and different way to get a great workout.  Spending the afternoon on the open ocean with endless blue skies, fresh air, and sunshine was exhilarating and refreshing -- an hour's worth of exercise flew by.  You'll find that paddling against the waves and currents is an excellent upper-body workout, engaging arms, shoulders, chest, and even core.  Competing with the wind and tides is also an effective source of cardio, making ocean kayaking an overall great and adventurous workout, and just one of many beach-related activities you can try!

Who wouldn't want to take their exercise outdoors and take advantage of a picturesque location such as this?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Weekend Workout Suggestion: Run a 5k!

     Take advantage of the warmer weather, get outside, and run a timed race!  Engage your competitive spirit, challenge yourself, and contribute toward a cause you are passionate about.  Many competitive races are charities for various causes, diseases, and other foundations; all proceeds from entrance fees and other miscellaneous costs go toward the specific cause of the particular event.  Last weekend, for example, I participated in a timed 5k event for Pulmonary Hypertension (PH).  I am particularly passionate about this cause because I knew a child who lost her battle against PH at the age of four.  In participating in a race such as this one, not only am I doing something I love (running/working out), but I feel as though I am making a difference (however small), as well.  Competitive races like these are a new and refreshing way to get a great workout in -- I find that the rush of competition and the exciting atmosphere energizes me and motivates me to push myself a little harder (I tend to always improve in time and performance in timed events).  So, research local events in your area, find a cause you feel passionate about, and register for your first (or second or third) race!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Nutritious Snack: Berry Vanilla Chai Super Smoothie

     Does the mid-afternoon slump have you reaching for a cup of joe with cream and sugar?  Instead, try a nutritious and delicious berry smoothie.  Not only is my version tasty and fresh, but it is energizing and great for you, as well!  It is simple, quick, and much more beneficial than the temporary caffeine buzz (and inevitable crash) from sugary energy drinks, sodas, and coffee.  Try it as a great pre-workout snack to get the energy and nutrients you need to ensure a great workout -- it's got tons of protein to feed and energize your muscles.  To make, combine the following ingredients in a blender:
  • 1 cup frozen mixed berries
  • 1 cup vanilla almond milk
  • 1 cup natural, organic acai juice
  • 1 banana
  • 2 tbsp. natural, organic blue agave syrup
  • 1 scoop Vega Complete Whole Food Health Optimizer plant-based formula (vanilla chai flavor)
     Blend ingredients together on high for about 30 seconds, pour in a glass, and enjoy.  Makes about two full servings.  This refreshing drink is not only perfect for the upcoming summer, but it will leave you feeling satisfied, light, and energized.  In addition to the beneficial antioxidants, vitamins, and protein from the berries and almond milk, Vega contains 100% of your recommended daily intake of vitamins and minerals.  It is an excellent source of fiber, boasting 15 grams per serving, as well as 26 grams of protein per serving.  While this smoothie contains half of a serving (one scoop as opposed to two), feel free to add two full scoops to get the maximum health benefits (beware of too much fiber in your diet, though, as Vega powder contains a generous amount -- the results of which can be uncomfortable).

Friday, May 18, 2012

Today's Workout: Intervals on the StairMaster

Work. Finals. Impending graduation. Homework. Relationships. Time management. Stress. After this week, I REALLY needed to let off some steam. However, sometimes you'll find that after a particularly long, busy day, you don't have much time (let alone energy) to get a workout in. This was definitely one of those days. I reminded myself that 'something is better than nothing,' and headed to the gym. I knew I'd feel better, physically and mentally, after a good workout. So, I hopped on the StairMaster for an interval workout. Nothing gets my heart racing like intervals on the StairMaster -- not only is it great and effective cardio, but it targets and works several muscle groups as well, and so has toning benefits -- glutes, calves, and quads are among the muscles worked. In just thirty minutes, I was sweating, blood pumping, and I felt rejuvenated after a long and busy week.
To perform this workout, warm up for five minutes at a comfortable pace. Beginning your intervals, raise the speed to about 4 levels higher than your comfort zone, to where you are really huffing and puffing. Maintain for 1-2 minutes, then return to your moderate pace/level of exertion. Repeat this cycle 4-6 times -- I promise, you'll feel the effectiveness of this workout! End with a five-minute cool-down.
Sometimes, when working out is the last thing we want to do, it's really the thing we need most. Even if you are tired and drained, you'll find that a good sweat session will give you more energy in the end! Do it for not only your body, but your mind and soul.

Duration: 30 minutes
Level/speed: Varying between 8-14
Average calories burned: 350

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Healthy Dinner Idea: Veggie Quesadillas

     Here's an idea for a quick, healthy, and delicious meal -- Fresh veggie quesadillas on organic, whole grain tortillas:
  • Arugula
  • Tomato
  • Avocado
  • Jalapeno
  • Broccoli
  • Red onion
  • Yellow bell pepper
  • Pepper-jack cheese
  • Salsa fresca
     Add a bit of vegetable oil to a warm skillet (or vegetable/canola spray) -- this gives the tortilla a nice, brown crisp -- grill tortilla on low heat for a minute or two, add and melt cheese, load with veggies, and enjoy!  Delicioso :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Today's Workout: Go For an Evening Jog

     There's nothing like a nice evening jog to end a long, stressful week and refresh and prepare for Monday morning.  Today was a typical southern California day -- clear, sunny, and warm.  Sometimes, I like to wait until the day cools down before I hit the pavement.  Today, I waited until about 6:30pm before heading out.  At that time, the sun is just beginning to set, yet there is still plenty of daylight.  It is my favorite time of day; everything is bathed in soft, golden light.  It was quiet, and most of the hustle and bustle of the weekend had died down.  There was a light evening breeze which kept me feeling cool and fresh -- overall, it was the perfect workout at the perfect time of day!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Healthy Dinner Idea: Vegan Tacos, Rice, and Beans

     For a delicious post-workout meal, tonight I looked to south-of-the-border inspirations.  While not a practicing vegan, I love trying new things and experiencing different culinary practices.  So, I prepared vegan soyrizo meatless tacos with organic brown rice and red beans -- they were flavorful, fresh, and I never would have known that I was not eating real chorizo :).  My healthy tacos consisted of:
  • Whole grain, white corn, organic tortillas
  • Soyrizo (meatless, vegan, chorizo-flavored soy product -- and delicious I might add)
  • Vegan cheese (dairy-free)
  • Fresh arugula
  • Tomatoes
  • Avocado
  • Red onion
  • Jalapeno
     Simply pan-fry the soyrizo on high heat until desired crispiness is reached.  Warm tortillas on a skillet, cut up your fresh veggies, and enjoy! 

Today's Workout: Treadmill Incline Intervals

    As I've previously mentioned, the key to staying motivated and making continuous progress is variety.  Variety in your workouts keeps your body and your heart rate guessing, works different muscles, and prevents boredom.  Today I hit the treadmill for incline intervals.  After just 30 minutes, I was dripping sweat, my blood was pumping, and I was more out of breath than if I had just run for 45 minutes straight -- It was an effective workout, to say the least.  To perform this workout, begin with a 5-minute warm-up, walking at a moderate pace on a 3% incline.  Starting your intervals, raise the incline to about a 5% and your speed anywhere from level 8-9 (or wherever you are working at a hard but sustainable effort).  Maintain this effort for 30-45 seconds.  Follow with a two-minute resting period (walking at a moderate-fast pace until your heart rate returns to almost normal), and then begin another interval.  Repeat this cycle 4-6 times.  Conclude with a 5- to 10-minute cool-down of jogging at a steady pace, or walking at a moderate pace, bringing your incline down to 2%.
  • Average time: 30 minutes
  • Average distance: 2.5 miles
  • Average calories burned: 350

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Today's Workout: Hit the Trail

Take advantage of a sunny Saturday, get outdoors, and hit the trail for an energizing morning jog. Follow with a cup of freshly-brewed coffee for the perfect morning. Who wants to be in a stuffy old gym when you can take advantage of fresh air and sunshine?? :) Download 'RunKeeper' app to keep track of and log your workouts. It measures distance, time, average pace, average calories burned during your workout, and maps your route, also!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Fitness: Pressed for Time? Interval Training is Your Answer

     Many of us make the excuse that we don't workout because we simply do not have enough time.  Well, if that's your reasoning, intervals are your answer.  In just twenty short minutes, you can get a great and effective workout equivalent to that of a 45-minute sweat session.  The idea of interval training is to shock your body and vary your heart rate --keep your body and heart rate guessing, so to speak, rather than keeping it steady for a longer period of time.  Intervals consist of short bursts of all-out, maximum effort and physical exertion, with resting periods in between.  Ideally, one should work almost to the point of exhaustion or 'failure' for a short duration of time, followed by a brief resting period at a comfortable pace.  Wait until your heart rate returns to almost normal, and then begin another interval.  One interval entails one exertion period and one resting period.  For example, do a five-minute warm-up, followed by ten minutes of interval cycles, and wrap up with a five-minute cool-down.  In this short time, you will find that you exert as much effort, if not more, than you do during forty minutes of cardio at a steady pace.  You will probably find that you sweat more and are more fatigued, as well.  There are many different methods and combinations of possible interval workouts -- they can be conducted on a treadmill, the Elliptical, the StairMaster, outside on a track or even on a trail; your options are endless.  Interval training torches more calories and burns more fat in just a short period of time, because of your varying heart rate.  Think about it like this: When you cruise in your car at a steady, moderate,  and maintained speed, you use much less gas (or in this case, calories) than when you quickly step on the gas and accelerate at rapid bursts of speed.  Here is a quick example of one of my go-to treadmill interval workouts:
  • Begin with a five-minute warm-up on the treadmill (i.e. walking at a moderate  pace)
  • Sprint at an all-out effort for 15-45 seconds (depending on your personal level of fitness -- for me, this is at about a speed '9' on a typical treadmill, but this varies significantly from person to person)
  • Follow with two minutes of slow jogging, or fast walking -- this is the 'resting' period -- until your heart rate returns to almost normal.
  • Begin another interval -- repeat steps 2 & 3 anywhere from 4-8 times, varying exertion times and speeds according to your ability.
  • End with a five-minute cool-down (i.e. walking at a moderate pace)
     Again, there are an endless number of interval workouts you can do.  This one is only about twenty minutes, but it is a great and effective workout if you are pressed for time.  Of course, interval workouts needn't be only twenty minutes -- feel free to make them longer or shorter according to your needs and goals.

"Good Glass": Health Risks Associated With Drinking Out of Plastic Water Bottles

     Since your goal is to start drinking at least 64 oz. of water per day, that is a lot of potential plastic.  Not only can this be wasteful environmentally-speaking, but studies have shown certain plastics to be hazardous to our health.  For example, Bisphemol A (more commonly BPA) is an additive use in polycarbonate plastics, as well as in the lining of food cans.  BPA has been found to act as a hormone-disruptor, as well as a carcinogen.  Additionally, Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) is the plastic commonly used in many water bottles, and has also been shown to leach other hormone-disrupting chemicals into the water it contains.
     The 'leaching' of chemicals from plastics into food and water occurs at a more rapid rate at higher temperatures, or when items are microwaved in plastic.  Similarly, bacteria can leach into water bottles further when the water reaches warm or room temperatures.  Avoid the risks associated with drinking out of plastic water bottles (and help preserve the environment, too) by opting for stainless steel or glass bottles.  The VOSS glass water bottles, available at most grocery and drug stores, are a good size and a handy refillable bottle for daily use.

Good Morning! Wake Up To a Beneficial Glass of Warm Water With Freshly-Squeezed Lemon Juice!

Need an invigorating morning pick-me-up?  Before your daily cup of joe, wake up with a glass of warm water with lemon.  Fresh lemon juice stimulates healthy liver function and prepares it to help better digest your food throughout the rest of the day.  Additionally, lemons are a great source of vitamin c and antioxidants, so your immune system will be kicked into high gear first thing in the a.m.!  Beginning your morning with this nutrient-rich beverage will energize you for the rest of the day.  Thanks Auntie!  :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Diet & Nutrition: Healthy Dinner Idea

Turkey Burger with Chips

Enjoy a lean and delicious turkey burger on a whole-wheat bun and topped with red onion, tomato, fresh green-leaf lettuce, jalapeno, avocado, pepperjack cheese, and Veganaise.  Pair with CrispRoot ridged cassava root chips for a healthy and tasty meal!
  • Turkey burgers a great source of lean protein, boasting 16 grams per serving, and contain 50% less fat than regular ground beef, and are just as delicious -- make the switch!
  • Cassava vegetable root chips are a crunchy and satisfying substitution for regular potato chips, with 40% less fat.  Gluten-free and all natural, you can hardly tell the difference!

You Are Capable of Far More Than You've Ever Imagined...

     For those of you who don't believe you can change your life and achieve your goals, lack inspiration, or need motivation, try this on for size:  Just one year after I began exercising and living a more healthy lifestyle, I ran my first marathonThat's right, 26.2 miles in five hours and thirty-one minutes, a seemingly impossible feat that many people (including my own friends) did not believe I could do.  Rather than receive words of encouragement, I was told that I was attempting something hopeless and impossible.  This only motivated me further.  At that point, giving up was not an option -- I knew I had to make it to the finish line to prove not only to others that I could do it, but to myself, as well.  It was an indescribable physical and mental journey; only then did I fully realize the power of determination (and the human body).  I understood then that you really can do anything you put your mind to -- do not let discouragement or others stand in your way.  Two months ago, I ran and completed my second Los Angeles Marathon, much to everyone's continued awe and surprise.  Two years ago, I could barely one run mile -- believe in endless possibilities.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Diet & Nutrition: 10 Healthy Foods You Should Always Have in Your Kitchen

     On your way to a healthier lifestyle, you have to maintain your motivation when it comes to your diet and eating habits.  Good overall health and fitness comes with good nutrition.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, you are now going to frequent the grocery store rather than the drive-thru.  Keep your kitchen stocked with fresh and healthy foods so that there is no excuse to eat fast-food.  When I first began my health transformation, I was very strict with my new clean diet.  I made sure to make weekly trips to the grocery store so that I always had my favorite healthy foods on hand.  At first, I was an 'amateur' healthy eater and grocery shopper, but after a little while I quickly became accustomed to my new healthy diet and lifestyle -- I became a pro at 'healthy shopping' and eating, and it became effortless.  Here is an example of 10 healthy food items that I would make sure to always have in my kitchen, and which made eating healthily easier:
  • Fresh berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries)
  • Natural peanut butter (no added sugar or salt)
  • Spinach
  • Whole grain bread/tortillas
  • Skim milk
  • Almonds and other assorted nuts
  • Eggs
  • Low-fat yogurt
  • Fresh-cut veggies (carrots, broccoli, bell pepper, cauliflower, cucumber)
  • Frozen boneless, skinless chicken breasts
     This is a brief and basic example of some healthy foods I always make sure to have on hand -- they make for a variety of nutritious snacks and meals, and they are a good list of staples to start with.

Diet: Think Clean & Green

    Perhaps the biggest change I have made in my lifestyle in the last couple years has been in my diet and eating habits.  As I mentioned before, healthy eating habits are actually more important and contribute more to overall health and fitness than exercise alone.  If  you really want to see a change in your body and physique (and fast), change your eating habits.  I love food, and I used to eat absolutely whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.  I would not give a second thought to anything I put in my mouth.  Fast food, soda, salty snacks, sugary and starchy treats... I would not discriminate.  I was/am a sucker for a cheeseburger and fries.  However, I am not a believer in deprivation -- just moderation!  You don't have to give up the foods you love all together -- just enjoy them in moderation and stick to clean, healthy, fresh eating habits and maintain an active lifestyle the majority of the time.  Depending on your personal fitness/weight-loss/health goals, however, you may want to be more strict in your own diet/eating habits.  I used to be much more stringent in my diet; however, I have relaxed in that area quite a bit.  When I first began transforming my diet lifestyle, though, these are a few examples of the changes I made:
  • Replace all liquids with water, and coffee/tea if you require caffeinated beverages (coffee and tea contain healthy antioxidants and are virtually sugar/calorie-free in their pure form).  Even juices that are marketed to be 'healthy and organic' are typically loaded with sugar and extra calories.  Try to drink at least 64 oz. of water each day.
  • Eliminate alcohol, or at least significantly decrease your intake.
  • Give up fast-food all together!
  • Make the grocery store your new hangout -- since you are giving up fast, convenient, and processed food, you need to have fresh, organic, and healthy ingredients on hand.
  • Prepare all of your meals, even if that means you have to plan and pack meals ahead of time.  I got into the habit of waking up just a half-hour earlier every morning, so that I could make and enjoy breakfast, as well as make my lunch for the day.  Not only will you save pounds, but you'll save a ton of money, as well!
  • Rather than eating three large meals a day, get into the habit of eating six times/smaller meals a day.  This keeps your metabolism going strong throughout the day, and you will find that you will have more energy to keep you going, as well.
  • Buy lots of fresh and organic vegetables, wash them, cut them up, and store them in Tupperware containers in the fridge for quick, convenient, and healthy snacking (this is significantly cheaper than buying the pre-cut and prepared packs of veggies, although that works, too).
  • Have a hearty, carb-filled breakfast every morning (healthy carbs and whole grains, of course -- more on that later).  Don't hesitate to load up on calories at breakfast time -- this is the time to do so!  You will burn the calories throughout the day, but a filling breakfast will keep jump start your metabolism in the morning and keep it running strong throughout the day.  Aim for 300-450 calories at breakfast, depending on how active you plan to be.  Also, don't skip this meal!  If you want to lose weight and keep it off, indulge in the morning meal. 
  • Four things to be conscious of if you are trying to lose and/or maintain weight are sugar, sodium, fat, and calorie content in the foods you eat.  As you probably know, you should aim to stay under 2,000 mg of sodium per day.  No one item you eat should exceed 25 grams of processed sugar (try to stay well under that -- don't be afraid to read and study nutrition labels).
  • A good rule of thumb is to try to eat foods that are low in processed sugar and in sodium, and higher in fiber and protein.  Calories aren't as important, as long as you are staying active and exercising.
  • Don't be afraid of carbs.  You should not attempt to give them up; that is an urban weight-loss myth.  You need carbs to maintain energy, as they are first things to burn off.  However, make sure they are good and complex carbs, which brings me to my next point...
  • Whole grains, whole grains, whole grains -- you needn't fear bread/pasta/starch products as long as they are whole grains whenever possible!  You should strive to eat about 40 grams of whole grains per day.  Almost every starchy food product has a whole grain counter-part these days... Bread, pasta, cereal, crackers/chips, tortillas, buns, and even pizza crust are a few examples of where you can easily make this switch.  No more white bread/pasta products... They are empty, excessive calories with virtually no nutritional value.
  • Leafy-greens are your new best friend, especially spinach, the super-food of all super-foods.  Try to get at least one serving of green vegetables per day, ideally more.  Throw a daily spinach salad or a serving of sauteed spinach in your mix and reap the nutritional and digestive benefits.
  • Finally, you don't need to give up any one food group.  Many people believe in low-carb diets, or dairy-free or meatless diets.  The most effective way to healthily eat, and the way you will produce the best results, is to incorporate all the food groups into your daily diet (unless of course you have a specific food allergy, such as lactose intolerance or an allergy to gluten).
  • Try to give up candy and sugary treats all together, especially if your diet and weight-loss goals are more extreme.
     These are only a few of the numerous diet-related tips I plan to discuss and write about, but these can and should get you started in your transformation.  Follow these few, simple suggestions and you will quickly begin to feel and see a difference in your body.  It might be difficult at first, depending on the habits and lifestyle you are accustomed to, but you will quickly get used to and even probably develop a preference for these habits.

Tried and True Tips for Transformation

     In addition to my new found active lifestyle, I began to make other various tweaks and changes to improve my overall health, fitness, and well-being.  Some of these were just minor changes, others more significant.  Either way, every single change, addition, or elimination of habits has contributed to or improved my healthy lifestyle in some way.  Here are a few things you can start with if you want to start feeling and seeing a difference immediately. 
  • First and foremost, I ceased smoking the occasional cigarette immediately and for good (I was fortunate enough to be able to drop that horrendous habit suddenly and easily). 
  • My life used to revolve around partying and socially drinking, so I knew I had to make some major changes in that aspect of my life, as well.  There was a time when I was going out and drinking 2-4 nights a week -- those days were over.  I began to limit my alcohol consumption to maybe one night a week, sometimes only once every other week.  This is one of the first places  you can and should start if you want to start seeing and feeling a drastic difference in your health, fitness, and overall well-being.  I began to notice a difference immediately -- I looked better, felt better, had more energy, and was healthier overall.  My body just felt cleaner and clearer overall, and I soon became addicted to that feeling.  Additionally, this is one of the first and fastest steps you can take to cut calories, sugar, and lose weight.  This was surprisingly a relatively easy step for me to take -- I quickly began to feel that when I did drink, it would completely negate my workouts and healthy lifestyle, and so it was not difficult for me to make this important and effective change.
  • I began to make a conscious effort to get more sleep.  To look and feel your best, this is where you should start.  I used to run on anywhere from 4-7 hours of sleep per night; this is not nearly enough.  I used to rarely go to bed before midnight; going to sleep at 2 and 3am was much more common for me.  I began to make it a habit to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night; in this I noticed a huge difference in my health and appearance.  I felt more refreshed and energized, and my appearance looked accordingly.  This was a new and wonderful feeling -- before, it was rare when I was not tired and/or hungover.  I used to get sick a couple times a month -- now I get sick maybe once or twice a year.  Additionally, lack of sleep results in an increase of the stress hormone cortisol, which leads to a decrease in metabolism, and an increase in fat stores and weight gain.  I have found the benefits of plenty of sleep to be endless thus far...
  • Drink more water -- people don't just say this for no reason.  As I cut alcohol out of my lifestyle/diet, so did I increase my water intake substantially.  I pretty much eliminated all beverages besides water and coffee/tea.  Sodas (even diet) and sugary juices and other drinks were gone.  This is an easy way to eliminate extra and unwanted calories and sugar.  Water is the best energy drink -- I had much more energy, felt clean and refreshed, and even looked better; my skin/complexion became clearer and more radiant.  You should strive to drink at least two liters of water each day in order to keep your body flushed of toxins and your metabolism running strong.  You will immediately begin to look and feel better!
  • Clean your diet -- you can workout and burn all the calories you want, but if you are not eating right, it's not going to make a difference in your health and physique.  Good fitness is probably about 70% diet, and 30% exercise.  Eating junk food, processed foods, and foods high in sugar, fat, and sodium will negate your healthy efforts.  A lot more detail will follow regarding healthy diet and eating habits, but you should make a conscious effort and get started now

Monday, April 30, 2012

Get Outside and Hit the Ground Runnin'

     As I gradually increased my endurance by utilizing the indoor track and the treadmill, I decided to progress to the next step -- outdoor running.  Outdoor running is a little more difficult than treadmill/indoor running because of the different terrain and elements.  You are likely to work harder outdoors, especially when you do not have a treadmill assisting you and propelling your forward (same with walking).  At that time, I lived in a small town in the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains of North Carolina, and the scenery was not to be taken lightly -- an outdoor run was an almost religious experience.  I started out small here, as well -- beginning with 1 1/2 - 2 mile runs a couple times a week.  The route I regularly took had a lot of hills and incline, so it was a great workout, and quickly boosted my stamina and endurance.  My favorite time to run was the late afternoon/early evening, when the sunlight was soft and golden and the temperature was just beginning to cool down.  The town I lived in was very small, quiet, and there were barely any cars or people on the small mountain roads I ran on.  I would hit the pavement and it would be just me, my thoughts, and the sound of my own breathing.  It was so peaceful and yet so exhilarating at the same time.  After a run in the setting sun and crisp, clean air, surrounded by green woods and blue and purple mountains, I felt invigorated and refreshed.  It quickly became a therapeutic addiction -- there is nothing like a workout in the natural beauty of the great outdoors to restore your mind, body, and soul.  I used these outdoor workouts as my time to think, unwind, relax, and exercise all at the same time.  True to form, I gradually increased my distance, until I eventually claimed a new regular route that was about 3 1/2 miles.  I got to the point where I could run the entire time without stopping -- something I had never been able to do before and never believed I would ever be able to do.  I had accomplished a huge goal in that I was finally to the point where I actually looked forward to and anticipated my workouts, rather than dreading the idea of working out like I used to.  Even if I could only get outside for 20 minutes, something always felt better than nothing.  Head outdoors, for there awaits an experience that the gym just can't give you.

A Little Somethin's Better Than Nothin'!

     Obviously, the beginning of a new regime is often the most difficult part.  You have to make the decision, get motivated, and get moving!  This might require a somewhat drastic change in mindset and lifestyle, as it did for me.  The beginning of a new health and fitness lifestyle is difficult because you probably just want to skip ahead to the point where you start to notice a dramatic difference in your shape and physique!  We've all been there, trust me... However, it will take several weeks and months of dedication before you begin to really see a difference.  You'll feel different immediately, though!  As I said before, I began with small steps and changes.  I started by going to my school's gym between/after classes with a girlfriend and walking/jogging on an indoor track.  With that being said and on a side note, get a gym/workout buddy!!!  It really makes a ton of difference in motivation and performance.  When I first started, I could barely (and I mean barely) jog a mile, and that was alternating walking and jogging.  However, I immediately began to notice a difference in how I felt.  After a workout, I felt accomplished.  I felt that I was beginning to work toward something, and I felt motivated and excited to continue and improve.  My friend and I motivated and pushed each other, gradually adding time and distance to our jogs.  I noticed my endurance and energy gradually begin to increase by the week, literally. It seemed that one week I could only jog a mile, and the next I would do a mile and a half.  I started utilizing the treadmill so I could better maintain and improve my speed.  I would run as long as I could without overdoing it or pushing myself too hard.  Each time, I would run a little longer than the previous time, even if it was only a difference of a few minutes.  That is the key to improving and increasing you endurance -- push yourself a little harder and a little further each time, even if only by a fraction.  I began to look forward to and plan and arrange my workouts around my schedule -- although I was extremely busy as a full-time student and with a full-time job, I found the time to workout.  I got to the point where I got irritated and felt disappointed if I missed a scheduled workout or could not find the time to fit one in.  You will quickly realize that it will almost immediately become part of your habits and lifestyle.  As I said, start with a little and gradually increase -- something is better than nothing when it comes to health and fitness!  The beginning is the hardest, but it's only uphill from there (no pun intended).  Just get moving!  Until next time... J.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

There's No Time Like the Present!

     When I say that I recently underwent a major lifestyle transformation, I simply mean that I shaped my lifestyle from a not-so-healthy one, to a much more health-conscious one.  A little over two years ago, I was about 25 lbs. heavier, drinking and partying 2-3 nights a week, eating absolutely whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, not exercising, and even smoking the occasional cigarette!  Since then, I have turned my life around 360 degrees, and you can too, if you so desire!
     I moved across the county to the east coast for college, and so my transformation began.  I didn't have nearly as many friends, and so I did not go out as much, which meant my alcohol consumption was cut more than in half.  With a less active social life, I had much more 'me' time, and so I started exercising little by little.  At first, it was really difficult -- I could barely jog a mile on the treadmill!  However, it became part of my lifestyle in no time, and I've been hooked ever since.  I gradually increased the duration and frequency of my workouts, and in only a matter of months I was running 2-4 miles about five days a week!  It even got to a point where I couldn't stand missing a workout -- I was a completely different person.
     The second drastic, though just as significant, change I made was in my diet/nutrition.  I was living on my own and grocery shopping for myself, and so I decided to turn my life around nutritionally, as well as physically.  I spent hours pouring over health/fitness magazines, paying special attention to food, recipes, and nutrition.  Eventually, I became what I like to call an 'amateur expert' (self-proclaimed, of course) in regards to diet and nutrition.  It became a passion of mine -- researching healthy eating, grocery shopping accordingly, and cooking healthy and nutritious meals.  That's when the lbs. really started to come off and my body began to noticeably transform.  At that point, I didn't even have to exercise as much as I did to maintain my weight, so strict and clean was my diet.  However, I've relaxed quite a bit since then as far as diet and eating -- I love food way too much!  Nowadays, I exercise more, so that I can pretty much eat what I want and enjoy food.  Don't get me wrong -- I still eat very healthily for the most part, but I don't obsess over my diet or deprive myself.  The key is to be healthy and happy!
     This blog will include, among many other things, examples of my workout and diet plans in the beginning stages of my health transformation, as well as more up-to-date examples.  My hope is that you might draw at least some inspiration and information from my ramblings!  Until next time... J.